Digital design for a consumer electronics company

I contributed to numerous website campaign launches, including the Galaxy S8 launch, Qantas Points Promotion, and the Twitch TV Homepage Takeover, while also serving as the Art Director for the Mobile and App Top Tapper Campaign.


Galaxy S8 launch, AUS

In my role as a visual designer for a consumer electronics company, I was entrusted with the task of creating design assets to promote our new product across various third-party websites. Ensuring that these assets were not only eye-catching but also perfectly aligned with our brand identity was paramount. I meticulously crafted visuals and graphics that harmonized with our brand's aesthetics, ensuring a consistent and compelling presence across the digital landscape. This work played a crucial role in effectively introducing their new product to a wider audience and reinforcing the brand's image as a leader in the consumer electronics industry.


Top Tapper In-App Promotion

In my role as a visual designer for a consumer electronics company, I took the lead in crafting compelling digital assets and animations for an exciting in-app promotion. The objective was to incentivize user engagement by rewarding top pay tappers with a promotional gift. I designed visuals and animations that added an extra layer of dynamism, drawing users' attention and encouraging participation. This campaign successfully combined aesthetics and functionality, ultimately enhancing user interaction and achieving our promotional goals.
